25 Mayıs 2020 Pazartesi


Unlike the other posts, today i am going to talk about two models about education : TPACK and SAMR. 

While living in the era of technology, the integration of technology and education is inevitable. Hence, there are two models that explain how integration of technology and education should be.

TPACK Instructional Model : 
Tpack model is designed by Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler. This model stands for "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge". And it states three different fields of knowledge that teachers should know to teach efficiently and to use technolog during the teaching. 

The Content Knowledge which is also called CK is based on the knowledge the teacher has about the subject that is being taught. The Pedagogical Content which is also called PK is based on the knowledge the teacher knows about teaching methods and how the students learn something. The Technological Knowledge which is also called TK is based on knowledge of using the technology and understanding and applying the information technology.

When these three knowledge come together, the new combination of knowledges also arises. 
Pedagogical Content Knowledge : based on simplifing a subject to teach effectively.
Technological Content Knowledge : based on the way the technology's influence on the content.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge : based on basically using the technological materials on the teaching process.
And as a combination of three knowledges, we have TPACK. This model supports the idea that each of these knowledge influence one another, In that sense, to create an effective learning environment, all the knowledges should be considered.
According to this model, teacher should use all the integrated knowledges of content,pedagogic and technologic.

In terms of language learning, teachers can combine their content and pedagogical knowledges with the technological knowledges and can reach the students who are also digital natives. By identifying their needs, the teachers can create different comprehensible inputs through using technology. For example, while teaching a set of vocabulary about a specific topic, some students need visual materials and some needs audio materials or some both of them and so on. In such kinds of circumstances, teacher can use technology considering the content and the teaching.

This model is developed by Ruben R. Puendetura and SAMR is abbreviation of SUBSTITUTION, AUGMENTATION,MODIFICATION and REDEFINITION. This model is basically a framework that categorize the education and technology integration's degrees. 

SUBSTITUTION : It refers to technology that is as a direct substitute without functional change.
AUGMENTATION : It refers to technology that is as a direct substitute BUT with functional improvements.
MODIFICATION : It refers to technology that allows for redesigning the learning task.
REDEFINITION : It refers to technology that allows to create new tasks. 
Here is a creative way of expressing the S-A-M-R :

To make these stages more comprehensible, there are some example for each stage :

S = using PowerPoint to prepare a presentation.
A = using Edmodo to gather assignments
M = using Google Earth to research a location on a map.
R = creating a story by using Storybird application.

According to the students' different needs, teacher can use the technology and provides them to create their own outcomes by technology and make these outcomes permanent.

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