24 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

Duolingo,Memrise,Busuu and Mondly / 10

Today, i am going to talk about the applications which are based on learning foreign languages.
there are some similar features of all these applications :
  • firstly, all of them have premium accounts, so in return for a monthly payment, you can have access to richer content.(for example in Mondly, with a premium account you can learn in Augmented Reality)
  • Considering  all the applications,their interfaces and plannings, the gamification elements which increase the motivation of the learners can be seen clearly. For example in Duolingo, there are shop section, "lingots","streak" and "crowns".
  • All apps serves courses for many languages from English to Swahili.
The first one is Duolingo which is probably the most popular application for learning English. This app serves courses for many languages as well. Except the similar features, Duolingo has a different feature which enables vivid and mutual interaction among the users and the creators of the courses.
In the section of "forum", you can find extra materials about your target language.

The other app is called Busuu. The amazing part of this app is that the users can communicate with the speakers of the target language. Busuu provides access to native speakers of your target language which can be german or italian. Right after practicing your target language, being able to speak a native makes this app very functional.

The third language learning application is Memrise. Although i said language learning application, this app includes courses about other fields like maths&science, history&geography, literature and so on. While learning a target language, the users can also learn history,geography or literature via the same application. If there is no other field course about your target language, Memrise provide you to create one and share with other users.

The last application is Mondly which i find the most intersting and exciting. The reason is that this application serves activities which are supported augmented reality. Another exciting part of this app is that you have chatbox which you can practice your knowledge with a virtual character. This chatbox can be seen as Siri on ıPhone but this one is just about language focused :) The last feature that i want to mention about Mondly is that this application is designed on topic-based titles, for example bank, doctor, business, airport, shopping. This feature supports the idea of linguistic functions and developing communicative competence.

See you next Review :) 
AufWiedersehen !!

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