22 Nisan 2020 Çarşamba



Today's writing is about another application that enhances the learning : PADLET.

It is kind of a post-it page which means that you can share a post on the page. You can create a padlet and add inside of it posts. These posts can be related to one topic. In this padlet, you can add pictures, audios, or related links. 
It is an application to be used by both students and teachers. As a teacher, you can create a page and want your students to fill this page in terms of your topic. and as a student, you can easily make a contribution and can learn the related topic interactively.

my padlet is here and i tried to create a kind of exercise which can be useful for pre-lesson. In that sense, learners will make preparation for lesson. Also, after lesson they can correct their contributions or can add more things.
My padlet is about rooms and furnitures. I created a home page and added posts which refer to rooms.

14 Nisan 2020 Salı


Today's topic is EDMODO which is a very useful educational tool for both teacher and learner. Especially nowadays we are fighting with COVID-19,EDMODO is one of the significant websites in terms of education.
Let's begin to know more about it :

EDMODO is a website and also an application that connects students and teacher and creates a place for communication between them.
Teachers can create their class and share the code of the lesson with their students.In that way, students join and follow almost everything about that lesson.

  • Teacher can share assignmets in there and also can evaluate them via EDMODO.In that way, students do not have print out their assignment (Save the Trees!! :)
  • Teacher can share all the related lesson materials in EDMODO,which is a really helpful for students to access them easily.(For example,some of my teachers use EDMODO and share the materials every week and before or after reading them,ı can do my revisions easily)
  • While doing these assignment and reading these materails,asking questions to your teacher is also available.You can leave a comment on the posts or you can send messages to your teacher directly.
Except the connection of class, EDMODO provides using it as an agenda.It means that you can add other upcoming assignments or projects so you can get notifications.In that sense, you can save all the important deadlines of your lessons in EDMODO and get notification for them. In short, EDMODO makes your school life organized :)


8 Nisan 2020 Çarşamba


I hope that you all are fine and at home! 
Today's writing is about creating animation about language teaching/learning.
Creating materials that students are interested in is substantially important for the teacher. In that sense, teacher can choose one of the educational tools : Animation.
Using animation increase the quality of the class presentation and helps learners make meaning about a topic. And also teacher can  draws attention to the lesson easily because new generation loves watching videos :)
There are some websites that you can create animation :
  • powtoon
  • animaker
  •  toontastic
  • animatron
I tried to make animation on the powtoon but unfortunately i could not open the page although it has really cool templates.
I also viewed toontastic. I think that this app is useful to give learners an assignment because it literally allows users to create their own cartoon which is perfect for learners at young ages.
Then i tried animaker and finally produced an animation :)
However, the page you create animation is just a little complicated.
After a few fails, i succeeded to make a very simple animation about shapes.
here is the link of it :

5 Nisan 2020 Pazar


Today's World, children love watching videos about gaming , cartoons and so on.In that sense, adding interactive and educational videos to the classroom procedure we can make the learning process more effective and less boring. 

It is a video clip designed to be viewed in a portable device. It is also called "vcast", "vodcast" and "videocast".

Speaking of videos that can be used in the classroom, VOKI is a great Web 2.0 tool that teacher can use.
VOKI is an educational tool that users can create their own talking character. 
Because of wide range of characters, you can even select Shakespeare ,Obama or a cartoon character.

By using Voki, teachers can produce really good classroom materials about their content and also can give students an assignment to create their own voki.

To give an example, i created a Voki about Korea. This is the link of that :


While i was doing it, i thought ıt could be a good material for the subject of the "nations and nationalities". By presenting these kinds of vidcasts in the classroom, students can learn the subject effectively.

3 Nisan 2020 Cuma



Today we can learn anything we want to know instantly.Moreover, we can learn in any way we want.
So today i am going to talk about one way of learning something :

What is the PODCAST ?
The name of the podcast comes from the combination of the "iPOD" and "broadcast".
Podcast is basically a series of digital audio files that can be downloaded to personal device for easy listening. They are like radio programs but podcasts can be listened anytime and anywhere.

Podcast is an useful web 2.0 tool for education. Teacher can record a podcast to provide extra materials about the lessons and in this way,students can reach these materials and listen them anytime and anywhere.Also students can make their own podcast to record what they learn at school. By making their own podcast, they can develop their ability to speak effectively and clearly,and improve their vocabulary.

After meeting the concept of "podcast", i tried one. It is about "first language acquisition" which ELT students are familiar with.

My Podcast Link :


Today's topic is about another type of virtual reality : Second Life  Second Life is a platform that is basically an online virtual wo...